
CNN’s Darcy Attacks Fox News: How Does Lachlan Murdoch ‘Look at Himself in the Mirror Every Day?’

‘It’s really disturbing stuff’


STELTER: “You know what’s interesting? The White House declined all these interview requests today. They declined CNN and all the broadcast networks. No White House aides are out on television defending Trump. Unfortunately, in a good way, that means there’s less disinformation, there's less misinformation being spread today, because the White House declined to give interviews. What a sad state of affairs that the White House giving interviews means mods misinformation in the world.”
DARCY: “Although a lot of what we saw last week, a lot these talking points fall apart when they enter the real world. Whereas they still are allowed to thrive on Fox. You just played that clip where people were talking about coups, civil wars, it’s really disturbing stuff. I actually wonder, Lachland Murdoch, you know the head of Fox -- how does he look at himself every morning knowing that poison is his contribution to society."
STELTER: "That's pretty strong, Oliver."
DARCY: "I can’t understand how he does it.”

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