
CNN’s Martin: ‘Nauseating’ Hypocrisy How Republicans Dislike Masks But Are Also Pro-Life

‘This is a wake-up call for women and men all over this country’


MARTIN: “And we have to remember, it’s not just this Texas case. There is a Mississippi case that involves a 15-week abortion ban and that case is also slated to be taken up by the Supreme Court. I think Roe V. Wade is in jeopardy. I think women around this country need to understand that today is a huge wake-up call for us to talk to our senators, talk to our Congress people, talk to the President of the United States, because at this moment it is not clear to me that women will be able to continue to make reproductive choices about their bodies because men, primarily men, but legislators like those in Texas and other states have decided that they know better as it relates to what women should be able to do with respect to their body. And as Laura said, the hypocrisy is just nauseating. You can’t wear a mask, but you can decide that a woman can’t make choices about her body. This is a wake-up call for women and men all over this country."

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