
CNN’s Zeleny: Trump Showed Very Little Empathy or Emotion for Storm Victims

‘Certainly this is a test, a new moment for this president’
By Grabien Staff


ZELENY: " So Brianna, at least that clip there in early remarks that he made almost sounds as though he was coming to a small campaign rally of sorts. And that, of course, is not what he is here in Texas for. He has had a variety of serious meetings with the governor of Texas. He’ll be arriving here at the state emergency command center behind me within the next several minutes or so. He’s also traveling with the two Republican senators, a few members of his cabinet also on board. But Brianna, one thing I am struck by here, seeing all the stories of emotion, all the stories of loss, of devastation still unfolding. We do not know the extent of the damage here. Very little in terms of empathy from this president. Very little in terms of emotion or talking directly to the people of Texas. He’s been talking about the businesses, talking about the response and his crowd. Certainly this is a test, a new moment for this president. How he’ll ultimately be judged, Brianna, as every president is in a disaster like this, is not on today, it’s on the response and the recovery and how Texas rebuilds if they get federal funds, et cetera, months, on today, it’s on the response and the recovery and how Texas rebuilds if they get federal funds, et cetera, months, perhaps even years, from now." 

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