
Colbert Mocks America First Caucus: America Is Losing Its Pre-Norman Conquest Culture

‘When was the last time you buried an Ealdorman in his longboat and prayed to Saint Bede?’


COLBERT: “On Friday, we learned that Greene was organizing a new “America First Caucus” that would champion “Anglo-Saxon political traditions.” Yes! Anglo-Saxons. Americans are losing our our pre-Norman conquest culture. When was the last time you buried an Ealdorman in his longboat and prayed to Saint Bede? We need to go back to a simpler time, when King Alfred divided the world into praying men, fighting men, and working men. Why, when I was a child, you could borrow an oxen from your liege lord and all you had to do is some boon work in his fields! But kids today want to have their own bluetooth oxen!“

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