
Colbert: Our Gun Violence Is Different Because America Owns 42 Percent of the World’s Guns

‘So if this was a pie chart, we’d have all the pie’


COLBERT: “But “The New York Times” looked at the data and concluded, “Why does the U.S. have so many mass shootings? The research is clear: Guns.” Yes, we have more guns. That’s why we lead the world in gun violence, same way we have more monster trucks, which is why we lead the world in crushing perfectly fine cars for no reason. How many guns, you may ask. The U.S., with about 4.4% of the global population, owns 42% of the world’s guns. So if this was a pie chart, we’d have all the pie. And for the record, America does have all the pie. And the thing is, the United States is not actually more prone to crime than other developed countries. It’s just that, because of guns, crime becomes more lethal here.”

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