
Colbert: ‘Scary’ When Guy Who Invented ‘Godwin’s Law’ Says Trump’s Hitler Comparison Is ‘Apt’

‘So, some say comparing Trump to Hitler is just more internet hyperbole’


COLBERT: “The Biden campaign has noticed Trump’s fascist speeches and they’ve continually linked Trump to Hitler. Now, that comparison is admittedly extreme. You see, there’s something called Godwin’s Law, which states that, 'Any time people start fighting on the internet, someone will inevitably reach for the Hitler comparison.' I see it all the time in my Facebook smoothie group. 'You put chia seeds in with pineapple? Why don’t you annex Jamba juice, you Vitamix Fuhrer!' So, because of this, some say comparing Trump to Hitler is just more internet hyperbole. You know who doesn’t say that? The creator of Godwin’s law, Mike Godwin, who says the Hitler comparison is apt. Okay, that’s scary. That’s like the guy who invented the five-second rule saying 'Do not eat that Cheeto off the floor. That’s what Hitler would do.'”

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