
Colbert Warns Dems: Project 2025 Is Radical Far-Right Takeover of Everything in the U.S. Gov’t

‘Proposes that Trump take direct presidential control of the entire federal bureaucracy’


COLBERT: “Project 2025 is an obvious and chilling blueprint for a Christo-fascist future, and Trump knows that that is toxic to voters so he’s denied any knowledge or any connection to it. But no matter how hard Trump tries to distance himself, he can’t change the fact that it’s run by more than 200 former officials of the Trump Administration and that the GOP platform has been crafted and influenced by individuals with deep ties to Project 2025. I just hope that once voters learn everything that Trump and his cronies stand for, they will turn out in massive numbers to vote for Joe Biden or Kamala Harris or whoever the Democrats nominate and we will finally be able — 

(Cheering and Applause)

— we will finally be able to kick Donald Trump out of our lives forever."

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