
Comer: A Person Who Represents China Has Wired Money to Hunter Biden Using Joe Biden’s Home Address

‘He is part of the Chinese Communist Party’
By Grabien Staff


COMER: "Well, I can tell you that on the wire that Hunter Biden received from the Chinese national, the beneficiary address listed was Joe Biden’s home address, at a time where I’m pretty certain Hunter Biden was not living in the home of Joe Biden. But if you go back even further than that, this Jonathan Lee, who wired the $260,000 from China to Hunter Biden’s personal account, he is part of the Chinese Communist Party. He is a huge business person in China, with the Chinese-backed entity that funds investments in the United States. So the one issue in Congress that Democrats and Republicans agree on is we don’t want China taking over industries important to our national security. We don’t want China buying farmland. This is the guy that does that. Jonathan Lee is the person who represents China. And if you research it, Joe Biden met with Jonathan Lee. He wrote a letter of recommendation for his child to get into college in the United States. There is a relationship that was developed between Joe Biden and Jonathan Lee when he was vice president, and now we have evidence that Jonathan Lee, who Joe Biden said his son never took any money from, said his son never took any money from China, Hunter Biden’s lawyers said that Hunter never received any money from this guy, we have evidence that he received over a quarter of a million dollars and the address listed on the wire was Joe Biden’s personal residence."

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