
Comer: ‘The Bidens Have Received Well over $20 Million from Our Enemies’

‘What did you do to receive the money?’
By Grabien Staff


COMER: "I think most Americans realize that something stinks here. Most Americans realize that we provided bank statements as hard evidence, statements that show the Bidens have received well over $20 million from our enemies around the world. And they can’t answer a simple question: What did you do to receive the money? They also know that Joe Biden stated, during the campaign, he never met with any of these people who sent his family money and that he had a wall between the government and his family's shady business dealings. We know now, because of our investigation, that he sent dozens and dozens of e-mails in a pseudonym to many of these business associates. They won’t turn those e-mails over, as you know, Jason. That is part of the evidence where we are continuing to seek to receive through this impeachment inquiry. And we know that he communicated with every single person that he said he never met with, that sent his family millions and millions of dollars around the world. So the American people know something stinks here, and that is going to be a problem for Joe Biden moving forward. Not only are his policies a disaster, but the American people think he is a crook."

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