
Comey Responds to Hillary Clinton’s Criticism: ‘I Didn’t Put 300,000 of Her Emails in Anthony Weiner’s Laptop’

‘I regret being involved’
By Grabien Staff


TAPPER: “And what would you say to Hillary Clinton if she were here right now? I mean, do you feel any regret or you think she‘s the one that made the decisions to do X, Y, Z?”

COMEY: “I regret being involved, but I didn‘t put 300,000 of her emails in Anthony Weiner’s laptop that the FBI then had to look at. And so, I hated the situation, but I bear her no ill will and I get the pain she feels, I‘m sure, about 2016. I hope we had nothing to do with the outcome, but we were just trying to do the right thing. And I still think we did the right thing.”

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