
Compagno: As We Look at the Rising Cost of Gifts, Gas, and Food, Think About Whether Our Lives Are Better with Biden

‘It’s important to encourage your loved ones to vote because the turnout is what will change things’
By Grabien Staff


COMPAGNO: “And the answer is that Democrats really do rally around the ballot box and that’s where I think the Republicans need to heed. That these polls are offering a landscape right now that can be harnessed if the GOP is effective with what this means for every American. So, as we sit around the Christmas table, as we look at the rising costs of gifts and gas and food and everything that we usually — that we need to make our families safe and secure and happy, think about whether our lives were better under Biden or were they better before. And it’s important to get that message out and to encourage and inspire all of your neighbors and your friends and your loved ones to vote because the turnout is what will change things. We know those policies won’t.”

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