
Congresswoman Kamlager-Dove on Johnson’s Ladder CR: This Is a Speaker Who Is Punching Above His Weight

‘Democrats have had to come in and save the day twice’
By Grabien Staff

KAMLAGER-DOVE: "So this is a lot of hocus pocus coming from a new speaker who was an anti institutionalist who voted to shut down the government, comes with the stamp of approval from a former president who is now, you know, going to trial, standing trial, trying to defend his own Madness. This is a speaker who is punching above his weight. Democrats have had to come in and save the day twice, because of manufacturers crises developed and designed by the Republican Party. We do support it cleans the, are but everything else, what does that mean? I mean, how much of the government are you going to fund into January? And then what are you going to tackle in February? The American people need to have that information. And, quite frankly, all of the departments need to be funded at current levels so that we can have folks working, answering the phones, making sure that constituents, when they are calling, because they meet up with their Social Security, they need help with their veterans benefits, they meet up with — need help with passports, diseases, they will have someone at the other end of the line helping them."

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