
Cornel West Slams Biden over Gaza: ‘Don’t Steal Martin King’s Language and Then Act as if You’re Just Another Machiavellian Politician’

‘You should be concerned about the suffering, not just your votes in the next election’
By Grabien Staff


WEST: “Well, he’s moving in my direction, but you can imagine it, brother, when you have precious babies and grandmothers being killed and all you can do is come up with an election political tactic and start moving slowly because of votes, that says something about your lack of a moral fiber. You should be concerned about the suffering, not just your votes in the next election. So, Biden is certainly moving, but it’s a political Machiavellian move. Where’s the moral fiber? He’s the one talking about we’re going to redeem the soul of the nation. That’s the slogan of Martin King. Don’t steal Martin King’s language and then act as if you’re just another Machiavellian politician. Those are precious human beings who are dying, and they are as precious as any other set of babies or grandmothers in the world, no matter what color. So I’m very upset about the levels of mendacity and criminality that’s being manifested in the name of the U.S. government facilitating this genocide of precious Palestinians.”

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