
Cory Booker to Pompeo: You Don’t Represent Values of Our Country with Your Stance on Gay People

‘You believe that gay sex is a perversion, yes or no?’
By Grabien Staff


BOOKER: "I will conclude by saying, sir, you’re going to be secretary of state of the United States at a time that we have an increase in hate speech and hate actions against Jewish-Americans, Muslim-Americans, Indian-Americans, hate acts are on the increase in our nation. You’re going to be representing this country and their values abroad in nations where gay -- gay individuals are under untold persecution, untold violence. Your views do matter. You’re going to be dealing with Muslim states and on Muslim issues, and I do not necessarily concur that you are put [indecipherable] the values of our nation when you can even -- when you believe that there are people in our country that are -- are -- are perverse and where you think that you create different categories of Americans and their obligations when it comes to condemning violence."

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