
Crowd Boos Ramaswamy Comparing Nikki Haley to Kamala Harris, Haley Responds He’s ‘Not Worth My Time’

‘You have a corruption problem’
By Grabien Staff


RAMASWAMY: “This is the problem. Using identity politics more effectively than Kamala Harris is a form of intellectual fraud."
(Audience booing)
KELLY: "All right, all right — "
RAMASWAMY: "And there's her donor puppet masters wielding their puppet right up here tonight. This is how this game is played. The puppet masters put up their puppet. And I reject the use of identity politics in this party. There's been a cancer coming from the left and I'm sick and tired of the double standards, the people of this country are too. Having two X chromosomes does not immunize you from criticism."
JOHNSON: "Okay, thank you, sir. Thank you. Governor Haley, would you like to respond?"
HALEY: "No. It's not worth my time to respond to him."

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