
David Frum: The Second Trump Term Puts Us on the Path to Chaos and Predation by America’s Foreign Enemies

‘The United States will be paralyzed because the president will be claiming he’s immune to the law’
By Grabien Staff


FRUM: “Now, people will be in the streets, Congress will be in an uproar. Nothing will get done. The military will be confronted with illegal orders. Nothing will get done. And America's foreign adversaries, right now we’re confronting a Venezuelan army mobilizing to invade another Western hemisphere country. We have a war in Ukraine that Congress is blockading the funds for, the Republicans in the House are blockading the funds for. We have a crisis in the Middle East, not only Israel but maybe Iran. All of these enemies of the United States gathering. The United States, we will be paralyzed because people will be in the streets, the president will be claiming he’s immune from the law, the military will be sifting every order to the general counsel to say, 'Can we do this one or is this one illegal?' We’ll have a breakdown in the authority structure of the United States. Meanwhile, if the Democrats do have one of the houses of Congress, we’ll have an instant impeachment crisis. So what we're looking at here, I wrote an article in 2017 predicting that a first Trump term would put us on the path to autocracy. This time I'm predicting a second Trump term takes us on the path to chaos, breakdown of authority, weakening of presidency, and predation by America’s foreign enemies."

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