
David Hogg: I Remember Talking to Maine Legislators Why a Yellow Flag Law Is Not Enough

‘Make sure you vote for people who are not backed by the NRA and the guns over people party’
By Grabien Staff


HOGG: "My biggest takeaway is that we need Democrats who act with courage, that not only say that they’re going to act on this issue but actually act on it when they say that they care about it. I was in Maine just about four years ago when they passed that yellow flag law. I remember talking with state legislators about why they needed to have a stronger law, why a yellow flag law was not enough. And time and time again, I heard something along the lines of, 'Well, this is Maine. We're not like other states. This just doesn’t really happen here.' But now it unfortunately has, and now people are dead because of that. I’m actually in Virginia right now campaigning to help elect a gun safety majority in the state legislature because in Maine they don’t have a state legislature race this year, but in Virginia they do, and it’s coming up in the next week. So if you are in Virginia, vote. You can change this issue. Vote on November 7th, Tuesday, just coming up, and make sure you vote for people who are not backed by the NRA and the guns-over-people party, that want to actually protect everyday people.”

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