
David Jolly: ‘Inflation Must Not Be the Number One Economic Metric That the American People Use to Look at the Economy Going into November’

‘Joe Biden’s economy is a good one’
By Grabien Staff


JOLLY: “The stock market is at an all-time high, housing’s at all time — home ownership’s at all-time high, access to healthcare and education. More people will go to work tomorrow than ever before. But we’re measuring the economy by inflation. Now, he’s got a good story to tell on inflation. It’s coming down, it’s under control, etcetera, etcetera. But inflation must not be the number one economic metric that the American people use to look at the economy going into November. Joe Biden’s economy is a good one. Sure, make the inflation argument, but focus America’s attention on the economic growth that’s occurring right now in their neighborhood and in their town. Joe Biden’s going to have a very good night focused on that.”

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