
David Plouffe: Without More Voters Saying, ‘Actually, He Is up for This’ I Don’t Think Biden Can Win

‘I want an open convention where people can make their case’
By Grabien Staff


PLOUFFE: “And I think Joe Biden, he is at the lowest point right now, I think, in terms of his campaign, so you've gotta think he can grow from here. And so a race that looks right now to be Donald Trump's, small — but it reminds me of '12, right? You know, there were national polls that showed us tied with Romney, some even down, but we knew reliably we had a small advantage in the battleground states. That’s where the race is right now. Can Joe Biden overcome that? I think he can. But we should be honest about where we are, which is, without more voters saying, 'Actually, I think he’s up for this,' we won't win. That’s what I'm hoping."

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