
Dean Obeidallah: ‘At This Point, the Supreme Court Should Just Move Down the Street to the Republican National Committee and Have Their Offices There’

‘They don’t care about the law in the Supreme Court anymore’
By Grabien Staff


OBEIDALLAH: “They don’t care about the law in the Supreme Court anymore. They care about political goals. And so, the ADF lets those cases get up there, allows the six Supreme Court justices to give political decisions. At this point, the Supreme Court should just move down the street to the Republican National Committee and have their offices there. It’s like a six-minute walk, it’s not that big deal. Save us some money, walk down there. Because the Quinnipiac poll two weeks ago, nearly 70 percent of Americans look at this Supreme Court and say they’re mostly motivated by politics. Only 25 percent say law. So you don’t need a law degree anymore to figure out what this court is going to do on these hot-button issues. Look what the GOP wants, look what their donors want. Look what they’re raising money on. And they’re going to deliver it.”

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