
‘Deep and Hard!’ Alina Habba Says She and Trump Will Get Busy Probing Democrats as Soon as He’s Back in Office

‘Well, they’ve got one year and then we’re going to be looking at them’
By Grabien Staff


HABBA: "Look at the boxes hoax. I call it the boxes hoax, so does the president. Mar-a-Lago raid. The president, sitting president, has something called the Presidential Records Act. He can take documents, he can de-classify them, and he can take them where he wants and move them. You know who can’t? Joe Biden, because he wasn’t president when he took his boxes in six different locations, in Chinatown, in his car next to his son who’s doing God knows with God knows who. But that is what they do. They hide what they’ve done by going after Trump. 'Look at the shiny ball, everybody! Don’t look at us.' Well, they have got one year. And then we’re going to be looking at them, deep and hard.
(Cheering and Applause)
And I’ll tell you right now, if I’m in Washington, I’ll be relentless too."

(Via Mediaite)

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