
Defense Attorney Tells CNN Michael Cohen Lying Not Recoverable for the Prosecution: ‘Done!’

‘No, can I stop there or do you want me to keep going?’
By Grabien Staff


ZELIN: "Michael Cohen had one job to do, and that was to put Donald Trump in the room and to have Donald Trump part of the conversation concerning the making of false entries in the books and records of the Trump Organization in order to influence the election, false entries of the misdemeanor elevated to a felony because it‘s in furtherance of another crime, which is election interference, election fraud. Had one job to do and he couldn‘t do it on something so simple. Tell us about the conversation. And the worst part of it is on direct he sounded so convincing, he sounded so smooth, so good, it was such a good day for the prosecution, describes the conversation, and then completely shoots the pooch where it looks like that conversation absolutely, actually never happened. Done!"

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