
Dem Rep. Dan Goldman on Hunter Biden Laptop: ‘Hard Drives Can Be Manipulated by Rudy Giuliani, Russia’

‘You are aware, of course, that the laptop so to speak was actually — that was published in the New York Post — was actually a hard drive’
By Grabien Staff


GOLDMAN: “You've talked about the Hunter Biden laptop and how the FBI knew it existed. You are aware, of course, that the laptop, so to speak, was actually -- that was published in 'The New York Post' -- was actually a hard drive, that 'The New York Post' admitted here was not authenticated as real. It was not the laptop the FBI had, you're aware of that, right?”
SHELLENBERGER: “It was the same contents?”
GOLDMAN: “How do you know?”
SHELLENBERGER: “Because -- because it's the same -- I mean --“ [crosstalk]
GOLDMAN: “You would have to authenticate it to know it was the same content? You have no idea, you know, hard drives can be manipulated.”
SHELLENBERGER: “Are you suggesting that it's a conspiracy? Are you suggesting 'The New York Post' participating in a conspiracy to construct the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop?”
GOLDMAN: “No, sir. The problem is that hard drives can be manipulated by Rudy Giuliani or Russia.”


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