
Dem Rep. Max Frost: ‘Whenever You Hear DEI, I Want You to Think the N-Word and ... Racial Slurs’

‘[J.D. Vance] is going to continue to use all these racist dog whistles throughout the campaign’
By Grabien Staff


FROST: “And so this is an organization, this is a right-wing campaign that‘s going to be racist, misogynistic against the vice president, but we‘re going to stand on the issues and what really matters. It's the fact that she is qualified. They want to call her a DEI president or DEI candidate. She has more experienced than Trump and J.D. Vance combined times a million, right? She worked at the state level. She was the attorney general. She‘s vice president of the United States. She was a senator representing one of the largest states in the entire country. And so these are just racist dog whistles. Whenever you hear DEI, I want you to think about the n-word, I want you to think about racial slurs. That‘s what they actually mean."

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