
Democrat Rep. Mark Pocan Implies that Republican Representative Andy Harris Is a Bigot

‘There’s a saying, how do you show you’re a bigot without saying you’re a bigot’
By Grabien Staff


POCAN: "You know, there's a saying, how do you show you’re a bigot without saying you’re a bigot? I’m just saying, there’s a saying. I did not say — "
HARRIS: "I didn't — I didn’t hear you, I didn’t catch you as you said that. You did not accuse me of bigotry right now, did you?"
POCAN: "No. I said a saying. There's a saying. How do you show — “
HARRIS: "Oh, okay. Thank you very much."
POCAN: " — that you're expressing bigotry without saying you’re a bigot, right? That’s all I'm saying. That's an interesting saying. Yeah, I'll continue."
HARRIS: "I request that the last set of gentleman’s words be taken down. I'm sorry, I request that the chair take down the words. It’s not a motion, I request the gentleman's words — "
POCAN: "I know it’s a little warm outside and snowflake can melt, but this is a little bit ridiculous. I tell you what, madam chair -- madam chair — madam chair, I’m gonna save you some time because I actually respect the members here, even members who don’t respect me, because clearly, when you accuse a group of grooming kids, for having a support group, you don’t know what the f -- hell you’re talking about. I will take back saying how you know you’re a bigot without saying you’re a bigot, because I think it’s self-evident and I don’t need to put the words out."

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