
Dennis Quaid on Voting for Trump: ‘More than Politics, I See a Weaponization of Our Justice System’

‘Yes I am’
By Grabien Staff


MORGAN: "What do you think of Trump?"

QUAID: "I myself, I think — I think I’m gonna vote for him."

MORGAN: "Really?"

QUAID: "Yeah, in the next election. Yes, I am. I — "

MORGAN: "Are you ready for the blowback that inevitably comes with Trump?"

QUAID: "Well, I think this election — and everybody’s gonna — I think you have to take a side or whatever, but it’s — it just seems to — it makes sense. I was ready not to vote for Trump until what I saw is more than politics. I see a weaponization of our justice system and a challenge to our Constitution, us as Americans, I don’t think we’re gonna have. And Trump is the most investigated person, probably in the history of the world, and they haven’t been able to really get him on anything."

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