
DeSantis: ‘I Wouldn’t Push Israel to Grant Statehood to People that Don’t Recognize Their Right to Exist’

‘Israel has always been willing to take tough steps for peace and they’ve always had rejection on the other side’
By Grabien Staff


BRENNAN: "The Palestinian Authority is moving towards a two-state solution. That's why I asked if you had support for a two-state solution."
DeSANTIS: "Well, they've rejected that in the past. Arafat rejected it in 2000, it was a ridiculous deal. It probably would have put Israel in situations where they would have had some serious security concerns. But they were willing to go forward. And I think the history of the last 75 years, Israel has always been willing to take tough steps for peace and they've always had rejection on the other side, and the other side has typically chosen war. So, that's the cycle. So, I would not push Israel to grant statehood to people that don't recognize their right to exist as a Jewish state."
BRENNAN: "Well, the Palestinian Authority does, but I hear you personally do not support that."

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