
DeSantis Megadonor Tells Fox News, ‘I Think Donald Trump Should Drop Out of the Race’

‘Number one, Donald Trump can only serve one term’
By Grabien Staff


LAMBERT: "Well, look, it’s not going over well. When you see him do it publicly at some of his events, you know, the audience doesn’t cheer for it. In fact, sometimes they boo. So I don't think people don’t want to see that. We want to unite the country. We can’t have name-calling. We have to move to an adult conversation on real issues. I think DeSantis brings that to the table. If you look at a DeSantis versus Biden, I mean, it’s a very stark contrast. It’s the next generation moving forward. I think that’s what the American people are ultimately going to decide that they want to have. I just don’t think we want to see a Biden/Trump re-election battle. And I think Donald Trump should drop out of the race, quite frankly. For the better of the country, I think he should drop out of the race."

(Via Mediaite)

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