
DeSantis on if Trump Is Pro-Life: ‘Of Course, Not’

‘How do you flip flop on something like the sanctity of life?’
By Grabien Staff


DeSANTIS: "Of course not. I mean, when you’re saying that pro-life protections are a terrible thing, by definition, you are not pro-life. When you say that you want to have a federal law at 18 weeks or 20 weeks that would override a state like Iowa that has enacted pro-life protections, that would mean more abortions, not less abortions, because very few abortions are happening that late anyway. So, he has flip-flopped on this issue. I don’t know if it’s because of political convenience or this is what he always believed in. But here’s the thing. Some issues are pretty fundamental. How do you flip flop on something like the sanctity of life?"

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