
DeSantis: ‘We’re Going to Have Zero Tolerance’ for FBI, DHS Colluding with Big Tech

‘We’re going to clean all of that out’
By Grabien Staff


DESANTIS: “We saw it during Covid, where Fauci was basically telling Facebook and these companies what should be up, what should be down. Remember, early on in Covid, if you spoke out against lockdowns, they take your article down. If you spoke out against mask mandates, they take it down. They censored stuff that I was doing with really eminent anti-lockdown scientists from Stanford and Harvard and Oxford, talking about how kids need to be able to go to school without wearing masks. Big Tech was censoring that, but that was at the direction of the federal government. So I think it was a massive abuse of power. We’re going to clean all of that out as president. If you are colluding and you’re in the FBI or DHS, or any of these, with tech, you’re going to get canned, you’re going to be shown the door. We’re going to have zero tolerance for that because it really strikes at the fundamentals of a free society.”

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