
Desi Lydic: Who Is Michael Cohen’s Podcast Even For? Do the People Who Hate Trump Not Have Enough Content?

‘I’d love MSNBC, but it’s only on 24 hours a day’


LYDIC: "Wow! That is an angry podcast. It must be hard to keep that level of anger when you also have to read podcast adds. 'I’m hungry for vengeance... and also for one of Blue Apron's delicious home cooked meals!'
I mean, honestly, I feel bad for the jurors. As if jury duty isn’t bad enough, now they have to listen to a dude’s podcast? And who is Michael Cohen’s podcast even for? Do the people who hate Trump not have enough content? Is there some guy who is like, 'I love MSNBC, but it’s only on 24 hours a day.' And it's not just his podcast. Trumps lawyers are dredging up all the nastiest things he’s ever said about Trump, and right in front of his face."

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