
Don Jr. On Ukraine: Until We Say We’re Not Funding This Crap Anymore, No One Will Go to the Negotiating Table

‘Like everything that Trump’s right about’


TRUMP JR.: “But when they ask for F16s, then what's next? Where does it end? Where does the blank check stop? So, like everything that Trump’s been right about, you can see his tweet on TRUTH Social, like, first comes the tanks -- it will never end. Until we say enough is enough, no one is coming to the table. Until we say, we're not funding this crap anymore, no one has an incentive to negotiate. At what point does Russia say, 'Hey, you know what? Now that we’re at war with the United States essentially -- now, we’ve been in a proxy war for basically a year at this point, I mean, since its inception, right? Like, if you miss like your taxes by like $2, the IRS is coming to visit you. The Pentagon? Eh, what’s a couple hundred billion dollars between friends? So I imagine, I imagine, there’s more money being sent over there. So as long as they’re doing that -- and I imagine as long as people are grifting off of this and making their billions and stealing whatever it is and, you know, we see the Taliban’s now selling our vehicles that we left there, the billions in equipment there, to Russia so they can use it against Ukraine, who we are supporting in this proxy war, when does it end? When do people in Russia say, 'Hey, we’re fighting the U.S. at this point,' and escalate? Because that’s what I’m worried about. This stuff should be over stat!"

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