
Don Lemon: Black Men Said They Were Supporting Trump Because He Gave Them a Stimulus Check

‘They didn’t seem to remember that our current president also gave them a stimulus check’
By Grabien Staff


LEMON: “Well, I don’t know if it was surprising, but it was certainly eye-opening to hear so many people, even people of color and women, saying that they are going to support Donald Trump. I’m not quite sure that the polls are accurate as it relates to the tightening of the polls and who’s going to support whom. And right-wing media, when I released my content, they said, oh, Don Lemon was shocked or Don Lemon was surprised at the answers that he got. But there were a lot of black men, Jen, who said that they were supporting Donald Trump simply because he gave them a stimulus check. He gave them $1,200 back when he was president. They did not somehow remember that the current president also gave them a stimulus check except that his name wasn’t on it. So I had to remind them time after time that the check did not come from Donald Trump, that it came from a Democratic Congress, and he actually slowed it up in order to have his name on the check.”



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