
‘Don’t Become an Election Denier, Nikki’: Kellyanne Conway Says It’s Selfish of Nikki Haley to Stay in the Race

‘She is setting herself up for an embarrassment’
By Grabien Staff


CONWAY: "I really think it’s regrettable. And I’m someone who likes Nikki and worked with her. I think it’s completely regrettable that she is selfishly still in this race when the voters have spoken. Don’t become an election denier, Nikki. And, by the way, everything that she is saying to John and you not only is incendiary, it’s false. Somehow Donald Trump is cozying up to Putin — Putin didn’t like the fact that we were starving Iran of its energy production. He didn’t like the fact that we kicked out Russians and sanctioned Russian banks. He didn’t like the fact that we were exporting and selling natural gas and oil to Poland and other eastern European countries. I think it’s regrettable that her words are going to be used against our nominee, Donald Trump, in the fall. It’s time to really focus, focus on taking Joe Biden and Kamala Harris out of the White House. The economic numbers show it.”

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