
Donalds on Joy Reid: Just Because I Have a Different Point of View, All of a Sudden, I’m Being Used?

‘You can make an argument that MSNBC is using her’
By Grabien Staff

DONALDS: "First of all I find her comment to be nothing more than grabs in a — grabs in a barrel. Just because of a different way of looking at the white world in politics I’m now being used? You can make an argument that MSNBC is using her. The rally in The Bronx was amazing at a very diverse crowd of people from The Bronx Puerto Ricans, dominicans, black people, white people, all are supporting President Trump because they have seen the disaster that is New York City, they have seen the disaster that has become the nicest America because of the master of disaster Joe Biden himself and they want Donald Trump back. This would be a decision for the mayor can peel between two did the better job and it’s without question Donald Trump that was a significantly better president on every metric and that’s what he has support in The Bronx and that’s why when the president want — went to Minnesota he had supported Minnesota and there’s more support and a lot of blue areas that is for President Trump coming back. We’re looking at expanding the political map not shrinking it based upon race or anything else because that’s what joy breeden Joe Biden and the rest of them want to do. They want to shrink this map based upon racial lines. Is not what President Trump’s focus is. ’s focus is on all of America."

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