
Donna Edwards: ‘Not Since Bush V. Gore Have We Seen a Court That’s Had This Many Opportunities to Interfere in the Election’

‘This court is exactly where it doesn’t want to be and doesn’t need to be, and that is right in the middle of an election’
By Grabien Staff


EDWARDS: "Well, I think this court is exactly where it doesn't want to be and doesn't need to be and that is right in the middle of an election. Not since Bush v. Gore have we seen a court that has had this many opportunities to interfere in the election going forward. Look, that said, I think that this campaign is going to come down to whether voters want to choose somebody who either is based in criminal conviction or is convicted of a crime, and -- and whether or not they want to preserve democracy. Those are really going to be the choices, Ana. You know, my view is that at the end of the day, voters are going to say they don't want to return back to the chaos of Donald Trump, to him undermining the rule of law and possibly being convicted of a crime going into an inauguration. I think voters are going to be very clear about that."


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