
Dr. Patel on New Covid Variants: We’re Trying to Understand if the Current Vaccine ‘Will Be Effective’ Against It

‘Anyone who tells you that we don’t need to worry has not really looked at the data’
By Grabien Staff


PATEL: “That last variant that you mentioned, EG.2.86 (sic), that’s the one that we’re all keeping a close eye on. It has cropped up in the United States, at least cases in Michigan and Virginia, which we know that that means it is probably spreading a lot more rapidly. And here's why. It’s representing an evolutionary leap unlike anything we have seen before. The most similar evolutionary leap we've seen with this virus was from delta to omicron. You and I both know how that turned out. So, what we're trying to understand actively, our scientists around the world are working on whether the current vaccine will provide kind of neutralization antibodies, meaning, will it be effective against this kind of more threatening variant? The more threatening aspect is all of those mutations and the evolutionary leap. So, for all those reasons and the increase in hospitalizations, I think it’s just getting back to basics. While we wait for an updated vaccine, which we should hear about from the CDC September 12th, we should be taking these precautions. Crowded spaces, masks, ventilation. Kids in school, windows up, getting outdoors. And then also having tests. The government isn't providing them anymore, they don't have enough supply. But making sure you have a test, so that you can check to see if you have it, so that you don’t spread it to others.”

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