
Dr. Peter McCullough on His Twitter Suspension: ‘It’s an Act of Medical Censorship’

‘This is coming on the heels of California AB 2098 which was signed into law, which is the doctor muzzle law in California’


BONGINO: “Doc, what do you think it is? I know they haven’t been transparent with you about what the reason is, but is it some kind of an effort, do you think, to get out ahead of Elon’s ownership? Are they afraid of your truth-telling about some of the potential side effects from some of the treatments? What do you think it is?”

MCCULLOUGH: “It’s an act of medical censorship for sure, Dan. I had thousands of posted, basically graphical abstracts of peer-reviewed papers, it just was the science. It was bringing late-breaking science to the community, and people followed me all over the world. This is coming on the heels of California AB 2098 which was signed into law, which is the doctor muzzle law in California.”

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