
Dr. Saphier: Masks for All, Boosters for All Should Not Be Spoken Anymore When It Comes to Covid

‘We need to move forward on an individual risk assessment’
By Grabien Staff


SAPHIER: “You have Lionsgate headquarters out in L.A. who say, 'If you are on the third or fifth floor of the building, you have to wear a mask,' but they don’t mention anything of the elevator, the lunchroom, any other floor. The on and off of the mask wearing certainly is not going to help. So when you have these absurd mask mandates, I mean, it really continues to erode public trust. Then again, maybe less egregious, you actually have some hospital systems bringing back mask mandates. Yes, I get it, you have a higher-risk population there, but what I find interesting, Sean, New York hospital systems, February 2023, they removed the mask mandates. Now some New York hospitals are bringing them back. But February 2023, when they removed those mandates, hospitalizations were twice what they are now. We need to keep Covid in reality. Yes, we are seeing a rise in cases, but hospitalizations are a third now of what they were this time last year. We need to move forward on an individual risk assessment, so those who are higher risk, those who want to wear a mask, wear a mask if you would like to. When it comes to the boosters, talk to your doctor. The 'Masks for all, boosters for all,' that should not be spoken anymore when it comes to Covid."

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