
E. Jean Carroll’s Lawyer Says Client ‘Really Hoped’ $83 Million Would ‘Be Enough To Convince’ Trump To Keep ‘Name out of His Mouth’

‘Everything he said about her over the last five years has been a lie and has been defamatory’
By Grabien Staff

(Via Mediaite)


CROWLEY: “We certainly watched them. It’s hard — it’s hard not to. Every time Donald Trump speaks, you know, I think as we said at trial, many times he has the biggest megaphone in the world. And so everyone hears them, including us and including our client E. Jean Carroll. And as you said, what he said was — was absolutely a lie. Two unanimous federal juries have found that not only did Trump know who E. Jean was, he sexually assaulted her and — and lied about it repeatedly. Everything he said about her over the last five years has been a lie and has been defamatory. So we’re watching, we’re listening. We had really hoped that, as I think the jury found, that $83 million would maybe be enough to convince him to keep E. Jean Carroll’s name out of his mouth. Apparently he showed us this weekend that he really cannot control himself and that maybe it wasn’t, but you know, we’ll see what — what happens as — as this continues to play out.”


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