
Eddie Glaude Jr. On Nikki Haley’s Civil War Remarks: ‘She Invoked the Basic Narrative Strategy of the Lost Cause’

‘What you get is this rewriting of American history’
By Grabien Staff


GLAUDE JR.: “Well, I think we have to confront, you know, the reality that always haunts this fragile experiment in democracy, and that is that some people, Symone, actually believe the claims that she’s put forward. What we heard out of Nikki Haley’s mouth was not just simply a kind of political pandering. Kim was right to call it a dog whistle. Molly is right to say she failed on the moral test. But she actually mimicked, you know, the Lost Cause historiography. And the Lost Cause, what it tried to do as it tried to redeem the South, minimized slavery and accented states’ rights. And so, what you get is this rewriting of American history right after Reconstruction, right, as the effort of the Civil War collapses. You see people writing the story of the nation in such a way that in some ways absolves the South of its moral crimes in some ways. And so, what Nikki Haley is doing, even in her redo, even in her cleanup on aisle 12, she invoked a basic narrative strategy of the Lost Cause, Symone. And so, how do we address this quest for a more perfect union? Tell the truth about some of us actually holding the view that this country ought to be and must remain — ironically, coming out of the mouth of Nikki Haley — a white nation in the vein of old Europe.”

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