
Eddie Glaude: W.H. Contacted Me About Biden’s Speech at Morehouse; ‘He’s Going to Talk About the Reality of the Racial Divide that Defines the Nation’

‘He’s going to talk about the history of Morehouse, as I understand it’
By Grabien Staff


GLAUDE: “You know, Alex, I should — just a full disclosure, the White House reached out and consulted with me about the speech. So I have an idea of some of the things that he will — he will reach for. He’s going to talk about the history of Morehouse as I understand it. He’s going to talk about the reality of the racial divide that defines the nation. And I guess he has to speak to those, to those young folks, speak to what’s in front of them. But look, this is occurring against the backdrop of, I think take it to be the the most serious moral challenge this generation faces. And so my intuition, my expectation is that they will — there will be protests. Those protests will take the form and shape that they will take.” 

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