
Elon Musk Gets Testy with Don Lemon: ‘I Don’t Have to Answer Questions from Reporters’

‘I’m criticized constantly, I could care less’
By Grabien Staff


LEMON: "Hate speech on the platform is up. Do you believe that X and you have some responsibility to moderate hate speech on the platform, that you wouldn‘t have to answer these questions from reporters about the great replacement theory as it relates — "
MUSK: "I don‘t have to answer these question -- "
LEMON: "The great replacement theory as it relates to Jewish people, do you think that — "
MUSK: "I don‘t have to answer questions from reporters. Don, the only reason I‘m doing this interview is because you‘re on the X platform and you asked for it. Otherwise, I would not do this interview."
LEMON: "So you don‘t think — do you think that you wouldn‘t get in trouble or you wouldn‘t be criticized for these things?"
MUSK: "I get criticized constantly. I could care less."

(Via Mediaite)

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