
Elon Musk: Ukrainian Govt. Wanted to Use Starlink to Conduct a ‘Pearl Harbor Type Attack’ on Russian Fleet in Sevastopol

‘So they’re really asking us to proactively take part in a major act of war’
By Grabien Staff


MUSK: "So, Starlink has been incredibly helpful to the Ukraine war effort, we've gone out of pocket very significantly to help them. At the time this happened, the region around Crimea was actually turned off. now, the reason it was turned off was originally because the United States had sanctions against Russia — and that includes Crimea in the sanctions — and we're not allowed to actually turn on connectivity to a sanctioned country without explicit government approval. So, we did not have U.S. government. Basically, Ukraine didn't give us any advance warning or heads-up or anything, we just got the sort of urgent calls from the Ukrainian government saying that we needed to turn on Crimea, like in the middle of the night, basically. We were like, 'What are you talking about?'"
UNKNOWN PERSON: "'Are you lost?'"
MUSK: "'What's it for?' (Laughter) And then we basically figured out this was kind of like a Pearl Harbor-type attack on Sevastopol, on the Russian fleet in Sevastopol, so they're really asking us to proactively take part in a major act of war, and while we certainly have huge support for the Ukrainian government, the Ukrainian government is not in charge of U.S. people or companies. That's not how it works."

(Via RealClearPolitics)

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