
Eric Trump: I Have Inside Information About Trump Fundraising; ‘The Person Who’s in Charge of It Happens to Sleep in My Bed’

‘In 48 hours, [Lara Trump] raised over $70 million in soft donations’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “Carl, a little statistic, and I have inside information because the person who’s in charge of it happens to sleep in my bed, Lara Trump. But we raised — she raised, in 48 hours, she raised over $70 million in soft donations and in small-dollar donations, right? The average one of those donations was like 40 bucks. I mean, think about that. 30 percent of those people had never been seen by a political party ever before. They weren’t on the rolls of the RNC. They weren’t on the rolls of the DNC. Again, these are people who came into the Republican Party because they thought the whole thing was such a travesty.”

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