
Every New Human Life Begins at Fertilization

Politics aside, the facts of science leave no doubt about when every new human life begins.


READ SHEIK: “When does each new human life begin? Is this purely a subjective matter or can we find an objective answer? Let’s look at just facts. The U.S. Supreme Court has issued a ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson. This case involves a Mississippi law that limits abortion to 15 weeks gestation, except in medical emergency and in cases of severe fetal abnormality. During the hearing, Mississippi Solicitor General Scott G. Stewart defended the law by asserting that the state has an interest in preventing the purposeful termination of a human life, but Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor challenged him and declared: ‘How is your interest anything but a religious view? The issue of when life begins has been hotly debated by philosophers since the beginning of time. It’s still debated in religions. So, when you say this is the only right that takes away from the state the ability to protect a life, that’s a religious view.’ Contrary to Sotomayor and regardless of what any philosopher or religious leader may think, the facts of science are clear that each human life begins at fertilization. The facts which we will now review are from credible science publications that don’t argue for or against abortion. In other words, they are not polemics from people with science degrees but facts from neutral scientific authorities.”

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