
Fauci: ‘I’ve Been Involved in Saving, Literally, Millions of Lives,’ Yet DeSantis Is Stoking Violence Against Me

‘He is triggering people who are bad and really want to hurt people’
By Grabien Staff


FAUCI: "What happens is that if you become the symbol of — the object of people's anger, even people who know nothing about, you know, the fact that in my career I have been involved in saving, literally, millions of people’s lives. Hello? Forget that. I become that symbol. And then, when they say something like that, you get somebody who doesn’t know anything at all about me, who is crazy, says, 'Wow, I'm going to get that person,' or 'That person should be killed or prosecuted.' That’s the reason why I have to have security. Governor DeSantis doesn’t personally want to hurt me, he doesn't -- "
HASAN: "But he is inciting crazies."
FAUCI: "He is triggering people who are bad and really want to hurt people. That's the problem."

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