
Fauci Now Says the NIH Was Funding Viral Research But It Did Not Lead to the Covid Pandemic

‘The viruses that were funded by the NIH phylogenetically could not be the precursor of SARS-COV-2’
By Grabien Staff


FAUCI: "There's a difference between the viruses that were funded by the NIH sub award versus anything else, anybody else in China might be doing."
GRIFFITH: "Excellent."
FAUCI: "We were talking about did the NIH --"
GRIFFITH: "You're talking about what you funded."
FAUCI: "What we funded."
GRIFFITH: "All right."
FAUCI: "And that's the point."
GRIFFITH: "And -- and that goes to my next question, because I thought you might go there, and I appreciate that."
FAUCI: "Right."
GRIFFITH: "Because in an off the record member-level briefing in February of 2022, I asked about the likelihood of nature of a SARS related Coronavirus to have a furin cleavage site, particularly since it takes the 12 nucleotide change in there to make it so -- to make it as viral as this was going on. And at the time, you said to me pretty much what you just said, and I want you to just confirm it for the record, 'Well, that wasn't us. If that was being done, it wasn't us.'"

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