
Fauci: What’s Incorrect from Accusers Is NIH Funding an Indirect Grant to Chinese Labs Working on Covid

‘They’re preposterous because we don’t know what the origin of this virus is’
By Grabien Staff


FAUCI: “Yeah, well, they’re — they’re preposterous. Because if — we don’t know what the origin of this virus is. It either somehow came out of a lab where Chinese scientists went into the environment and got infected and played with it and it came out, or it was a natural spillover from an animal to a human in the Wuhan market. I keep a completely open mind. The virological evidence, the epidemiological evidence by most qualified virologists strongly favor, though not definitively, strongly favor that it’s a natural occurrence. But since it isn’t definitive, I keep an open mind. What they say that’s incorrect is that the NIH funded a grant in China, an indirect grant, funded a firm in New York that did a subaward to do some surveillance studies on what is out there, which is a perfectly appropriate thing to do. In fact, I would probably be held as being incompetent if I didn’t, if we didn’t do that.”

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