
FBI Admits Being Warned About Waffle House Killer, Defends Not Taking More Action

‘After the investigation, the FBI closed the investigation of Reinking in 2017’
By Grabien Staff

The FBI is admitting it was warned in advance about the crazed killer who randomly killed four people at a Tennessee Waffle House. The FBI, which interviewed the killer, is nonetheless defending its conduct. 

"I've come with a prepared statement from the FBI and I'll read it to you and then we'll be available for questions later," the FBI special agent in charge, Matthew Espenshade, said. "'In July of 2017, the FBI’s Springfield, Illinois field office received information regarding Travis Reinking from the U.S. Secret Service. In coordination with the Secret Service and state and local law enforcement, the FBI took investigative steps to include database reviews and interviews. Coordinated action was taken with the Illinois State Police to revoke Mr. Reinking's firearm owners identification card and Taswell Country Sheriffs Office to then remove firearms in his possession. After conducting all appropriate investigation, the FBI closed the investigation of Reinking in 2017. I feel confident the FBI took all the steps of federal jurisdiction that we could at the time."

Here's a rush transcript of his remarks:

“Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for being out here. I concur that it’s a sad day for Nashville, but we tend to come together during these, and unfortunately we’ve had to do it a few times here. I’m blessed to be in a profession that is tasked with protecting the people of our communities and our country, but I have to say today, James, thank you for taking that personal oath to protect your community and other people. You have earned a great deal of thanks from everyone in this room and everyone in our community. Thank you very much. I’d just like to say thank you all to the other law enforcement entities in this room, particularly Metro Police Department. They are outstanding when it comes to cooperating with law enforcement on the local, federal, and state side to resolve these issues. And you have our oath that today, all we are thinking about, all we are working towards, is coming to a resolution in this, finding the shooter, putting him in custody and moving on to the next phases of investigation. I’ve come with a prepared statement from the FBI and I’ll read it to you and then we’ll be available for questions later. This was stated by Mr. Aaron before, and I’ll state it again. 'In July of 2017, the FBI’s Springfield, Illinois field office received information regarding Travis Reinking from the U.S. Secret Service. In coordination with the Secret Service and state and local law enforcement, the FBI took investigative steps to include database reviews and interviews. Coordinated action was taken with the Illinois State Police to revoke Mr. Reinking's firearm owners identification card and Taswell Country Sheriffs Office to then remove firearms in his possession. After conducting all appropriate investigation, the FBI closed the investigation of Reinking in 2017. I feel confident the FBI took all the steps of federal jurisdiction that we could at the time. Thank you for your time.”

RELATED — List: All of the Killers the FBI Was Warned About But Failed to Stop

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